New blog locations
So obviously this blog has not been updated in a long time. That doesn't mean we shouldn't replace it with not one, but two new blogs!
Most of the content of this blog has moved to Propellerhead Musings, where I will try to write opinionated, personal, and theological topics. If you were hoping to find something interesting on Notes, they this will be the blog for you.
Technical topics will be posted to Toddworks, where you will also find my web site for my consulting and teaching activities. Geeks might check this out occasionally, but most normal people will probably find it boring.
Most of the content of this blog has moved to Propellerhead Musings, where I will try to write opinionated, personal, and theological topics. If you were hoping to find something interesting on Notes, they this will be the blog for you.
Technical topics will be posted to Toddworks, where you will also find my web site for my consulting and teaching activities. Geeks might check this out occasionally, but most normal people will probably find it boring.